Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Avocado Chocolate Pudding

Jordan has been making this chocolate pudding that's made out of avocados that he said he would make for me several weeks ago; however, it was always gone by the time I got to his house to try it. Last night was an exception and we made it together, so I documented the process. We went a little crazy and added cacao nibs, which we decided was not the best idea, but it still turned out great! It's crazy, because when I first met Jordan, he barely new how to cook an egg and now he's teaching me how to make pudding out of avocados. He's actually become a really great cook!

Here's how you make it:

2 avocados
6 pitted dates
2 - 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 - 2 tablespoons almond or coconut milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1- 2 tablespoons honey (optional)

Just put everything in a food processor and mix until smooth. Best served cold.

1 comment:

Coffeecakebooks said...

I just tried this tonight and I love it! I will probably make it all the time now, it's that good!