Wednesday, September 23, 2015


My little Marigold is holding on to the last warm days.
It's official, today is the first day of fall. Here is a list of my favorite fall things and goals for the season. Happy Fall everyone!

1. Favorite Thing: All the colorful leaves
2. Planning: To be outside as much as possible
3. Eating: Pumpkin pancakes
4. Drinking: Caramel Apple Cider
5. Wearing: Comfy sweaters
6: Listening to: Here and Heaven from The Goat Rodeo Sessions
7. Enjoying: Having all the windows in the house open and driving with the top down
8. Current Project: My first fall garden
9. Hoping for: Lots of vegetables in my garden
10. Doing: Just about anything on this list -> Ms. Cheap's Guide to Fall

What's on your list for fall?
Let me know by leaving a comment, send me a tweet, or instagram with #Blackberrymorning


Anonymous said...

I look forward to hopefully seeing some posts about fall gardening! It's something I'm very unfamiliar with but would like to try.

Wendy Greene said...

I love the mug you're holding in the first pic!

abigail viktoria said...

This is so pretty!! I'm so glad I found your blog aaah. <3